Monday, August 27, 2007

I meant to mention how Caitlin did at 4-H regionals in was an amazing show...I felt useless, as after ten years of 4-H and basically 17 yrs of being a horse kid, she didnt need me for much more than recording 143 kids' scores when they were also in her class...I seriously consider dumping my amateur card and getting a judging card...I can do this job and I would probably excel at it...

Anyhow Caitlin's results were:
Western Riding....FIRST
Western Pleasure...Honorable Mention (her tail fell out!!)

Anyhow she ended up (after a near melt down over the tail fiasco, which has NEVER happened to either of us ever before!!) HIGH POINT WESTERN RIDER which completely made her week, despite some terrible news from home that didnt concern the horses...
I watched almost ALL the trail patterns and the first place horse missed half of an obstacle and Foxy clunked ONE pole so that was kinda confusing...I wondered a LOT about some of the judging...but after all these years of showing we are completely used to the judges' mind and are so satisfied with her final 4-H show...there were 146 kids in that trail class, close to that in showmanship, and was just the topping on the cake as she departed 8 long years of 4-H showing...

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