Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jeez time slips away...I have been so busy it is like 4:00 pm before I even remember to turn the computer on...gotta down-load these latest pics and share...oh's some...Got more from the MITS show which was so much fun even though I was totally exhausted afterwards...Tables were full, horses were awesome and I got to see Jamie Coughlin for the first time in years...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My workspace for painting work place is sucha disaster...I erased a buncha ugly pics today but this new camera will fix that shortly...What a mess. I got to finish Jessica's top tonight as she needs it for Sunday...Saturday...Valentine's a horse show to monitor and then off to the Pinto Club's year-end awards dinner in Tampa...somewhere in there I get to see Jimmy!
APHA has asked me to donate a couple sculptures to their foundation for fund-raising...Oh if I wasnt busy before, things ought to hop up like mad here after October....People love their ponies in hand...I will have to get help to prep sculptures but we'll see.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crashing along here and pleased with the work outcome...Willoughby (top/above) is drying nicely...several layers later he is actually looking pretty good. My NEW camera arrived disaster. Amazon is rushing a new one to me...RATS!
The Chip below should be in Washington by the morning...I hope Sandy loves him. Will re-do the unclaimed Novilheiro and get him up for sale as well as the custom Strapless who I completely finished tonight. Ready to start working on the next six victims: Two ISH, a Lady Phase, a Palouse, and the stupid horse I can never remember what his name is (looks like Big Chex to Cash...) Now have two Lonestars to work and two Alborozo...I need to start reducing that massive box of bodies in the studio!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I should tell about Clarcona...what a disaster. I did an awesome pattern in the mud and the crud and the cold...Cleo was incredible...but the friggin' judges were so nobbed out on the cutie pies and the politics, they placed one bitch who split the cone in the pattern and I was nowhere...I did trail class (Cleo was incredible but I F.U.'d the pattern) so we did not place...the next day I stayed out of the classes...why bother? All I am good for is packing the classes so the drugged/dead tail horses can win for their darling/trainer-packing/hot babes...which I am not. I think I am done with APHA. I do not have the clout or the ability to tolerate the never-ending bullshit. But this belongs in the other blog...
Will move it later.

More frustration...send horses off and wonder why people dont tell you they got them, or at least to frack off...makes me feel like I cant paint...and I forgot to get a picture of the last one. Grrrr....

Well I got Break fixed and he looks awesome...I say that and wonder if they will see the repair that I did and you cannot see...
Working on finishing the Willoughby as a lady in Germany wants him...gotta get my camera up n runnin' so I can take shots...he is almost done.
Here is Break all fact he is packed. He and the buckskin overo Chip leave Monday. Lousy camera.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I want to be a weather man so I can be wrong all the time and nobody gives a hoot...

Raining like mad all day despite the overpaid/never right weather guy assuring me that the rain would be there I am dragging in wet soggy horses out of the pasture and in 15 minutes I am soaked to the skin...
Crush looks like PigPen.

PigPen Pictures, Images and Photos

Anyhow I worked inside most all Breakittomegently nearly ready to ship home, and the lil Pandy finally stopped wrestling her color mess by her tail and we are good to go tomorrow...the gates open up for more completions and so I work on the Lonestar for Brenda and Mary's deceased Paint mare. What a beauty she was...
Thursday I get new glasses (I give up on contacts; ain't happening) and tomorrow Renan comes to do four horses, three with new shoes and Foxy gets a simple trim...Then Friday morning, the coldest weekend of the entire year, we head to Clarcona with one horse, six stalls and endless fun (let's hope) and I am bringing hot apple cider...I know it will be much appreciated. Sugar is staying home this time; I know Jimmy will keep her warm.
Guess I won't take any work as there will be no sitting outside in the warm sun sanding...I will be freezing my butt off and snuggling in bed watching "Scrubs" dvds and movies I have to catch up on will be my best plan!!!
its cold today Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A since completed/finished/shipped out pretty boy...wish I had better pics...Hey Brenda...?

This week is already racing fast forward...two horses leave this week (for sure) and I HAFTA get this base white oils on the Matriarch...Gads I love the effect but the stuff is going on so slow...layers n layers n layers(ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)...thank Gawd Sonya helped so much in New York; the new procedure takes weeks (WEEKS) off the white oil dry-time...Looks so dang good too!
REALLY excited about Nebraska...gotta do Carra something really fancy for the show and earn more than the airfare back for her...of course it helps to get a Crasyhorse out in the right hands and start showing performance!! Will see what she sends me to cut!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

One down and a mega wrecked studio to go... sold one more BHR mustang...kissed his pink nose good-bye and realized the mustang shelf is looking pretty empty...Buh Bye my beauties...I hope they love you as much as I did...Saw the majority of my 'stang collection go just two or three left now and they will go soon too...After I saw that one in the gutter all bloated and warped, I knew my collecting days were over...
On to happier things; April's foal is done, I can pack her up and ship her out tomorrow or Monday. Sandy's Chip is nearly dry and in fact he will go with me this weekend for final details and he can leave next week. Time trudges on, and I will even closer to another birthday I do not want to recognize. BFD.
Leave early tomorrow for New Smyrna and two days of showing. I have to work the gate from 3-6 for my free stall, but Lisa will let me in at 2:00 to shove Cleo in a stall, set the living quarters up in the campground, and get the AC turned on for Sugar. Girls' weekend out...I hope I win everything in sight; I need a boost...
The guy above is going up for sale when I get his last little itty bitty whites done...he is almost there...this was supposed to be Suzanne's of her world champion Carlos (Isthatyourfinalanswer) but she sold him and pissed out on me...Eh, so what...I have about 6 more to get painted up and offered for sale...need Jenn to update everything.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Yes it has been a while...I was thinking of dumping this blog as it just time spent on the computer I could be somewhere's else but screw it...No one else reads it but me and it has become like a wot the hell..
Yesterday I was in a freak accident; Cleo slipped on the wash-rack, panicked, reared and came down on top of me crushing me against the rail...My back has black and blue lines across it. I think I passed out. When I realized what was happening, I was flat on my back in front of the wash-rack and Jimmy was yelling, get up get up...
Today I had to go to Hillsborough for a show and it didnt roll well...I did three classes, won one, took second in the other, came dribbling in dead last (and why I have no clue) in horsemanship so I said "screw it" and came home. Cleo was awesome and that's all that mattered. My body is sore as hell.
Above is a Novilheiro I worked my ass off on and the slacker ditched out on me...Her loss. But I can guarantee she is out there pissing and moaning about how *I* ripped her off...You betcha, you loser. Contact me now so I can shove your $150 up your stupid ass...
Tomorrow is Sunday in Tampa...going to the Gold Coast to watch one of the biggest AQHA horse shows in the country. See Barbara. See Peg. See Bev. Real people.

So my mood is squashed flat...I am so sick of all confounds me. Never said I was an Einstein but I will say what I have to, and would appreciate the same in return. Will be back to post more when I think about it...

revenge Pictures, Images and Photos