Friday, October 12, 2007

Tomorrow we have a show in Tampa...just doing the halter classes as two of my LEAST favorite judges are we will take Radar over, do a couple classes, and leave...I get to hang with Michelle and see what being on the Pinto Horse club board is all about...still not sure if I want to do that...

Here is a picture of Radar...what a gorgeous guy...this is him right out of the pasture...Caitlin clipped him, gave him a bath and kicked the competitions ASS!!

Here is a picture of my stupid broken foot...My entire leg swelled up and from the looks of my foot I could weigh 400 pounds...Today the swelling is much better, I am getting around without the crutches despite my massage therapist reprimanding me for doing so...she said I could sustain a stress fracture. Oh great news.
On the studio front, I have several sketches to post that I think will get the interest I had hoped for...easier to carry a sketch pad and a pencil tin than the entire studio with me...especially since now we are headed for Georgia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas and possibly Colorado in the near future...

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