Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cranking on the New Year...

Caitlin on Cleo...

Yeah it has been wild here for a change...we have been to three shows since January first...has been fun. I want Cleo back although me and Foxy are doing just fine...and suddenly Cleo is no longer for sale. Caitlin is loving showing her...fine with me...So I am working on Crush.
I have been working diligently on my awards stuff (got the go ahead from the Paint horse board) as well as my chance to do the world show poster...If they accept my work, I am taking the mares and Caitlin out to Oklahoma and Texas for the summer...took much fun and opportunity to pass up.
Crush is coming along great...he went to another show last weekend and he actually got BORED! He was sighing and gazing out over the stall door watching me walk Foxy back to the arena, not freaking out or nothing...My boy! I love to ride him; he has the nicest lope!
Just bought Stroke 9 and am looking for more Post Secrets books on Amazon...Love to read those!
Back to work...
The push is on to get our year organized and planned...we may need a bigger horse trailer/living quarters so I can set up the studio...the demand for my work from live horse people is terrific and I am so glad I have it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Here I am riding my "new" old horse Foxy. As usual, my kid has absconded with my other horse Cleo and while she WAS for sale, no more mention has been made of it...the little snot is out riding her right now...While I adore Foxy and yes, she IS my horse, I was so hoping to make Cleo the major champion she deserves to be...Anyhow I rode Foxy huntseat yesterday and long for Cleo...she is far more comfortable and better suited to riding english...I do make Foxy look bigger than her 15 hands as I am kind of a small person myself, I do so like a 16 + hander to post on...
More later...Emma, love ya and miss ya...How's Jasmine?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It has been a year I will always remember...for the art, it got better when I decided I did'nt have to stand in the shadows of someone who made little of my talent...AWESOME feeling to look at something I created for the reason I wanted to create it for, and LIKE IT! I use my LOVE of art to create and not to make it financial reason to exist!
As for my live horses, it just always gets better...recognizing where I made my mistakes with Cleo will get me further with is KILLING me to stop showing my big girl but getting back to Foxy will give me a boost of confidence...Radar and I have come to an agreement in the show ring; if he will stand still and not play with me, I won't smear Tiger Balm on my hands and make his nose twitch. And me and Crush continue to defy everyone's low opinion of him...he IS a good boy and by the end of '08 we will have points from the association and I may even train him to drive...
The good things in 2007:
Caitlin and Foxy in Tennessee being 1st in showmanship after an 8 hour class and 140 exhibitors.
Me losing all that weight!
Me and Cleo beating the two world champions in HUS in Conyers, Georgia when I went there by myself (me, Sugar, and Cleo) I feel like I could go to Oklahoma by myself now!
Ending up 25th in the nation in HUS.
Caitlin & Foxy ending up FIRST in the nation in poles!!!!!
Completing the sculptures for the presentation and getting the live horse art collectors as major 'fans'...what a terrific shot to my art heart!
There's so much more and I have decided NOT to list the bad things as I am not gonna dwell on them!

I feel like I have got my issues cornered...I have all my sculptures ready to present to the Paint horse board the end of this month, and even my notes typed out (no mistakes!) and so far it is looking like a very cool plan!

Happy New Year!

New Year