Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cranking on the New Year...

Caitlin on Cleo...

Yeah it has been wild here for a change...we have been to three shows since January first...has been fun. I want Cleo back although me and Foxy are doing just fine...and suddenly Cleo is no longer for sale. Caitlin is loving showing her...fine with me...So I am working on Crush.
I have been working diligently on my awards stuff (got the go ahead from the Paint horse board) as well as my chance to do the world show poster...If they accept my work, I am taking the mares and Caitlin out to Oklahoma and Texas for the summer...took much fun and opportunity to pass up.
Crush is coming along great...he went to another show last weekend and he actually got BORED! He was sighing and gazing out over the stall door watching me walk Foxy back to the arena, not freaking out or nothing...My boy! I love to ride him; he has the nicest lope!
Just bought Stroke 9 and am looking for more Post Secrets books on Amazon...Love to read those!
Back to work...

1 comment:

The Half-Assed Blog said...

That sounds cool! I will be on a hiatus from showing until further notice. I have to help with the giant CSU ranch horse sale in April and will try to get a job this summer.
I hope the world show accepts your work.