Today was the day...Crush was clipped, banded, and a bit cleaner than he is used to...for a white horse, he washes up very nicely! At first when I hit the road, I thought 1-4 would be miserable with it being race week in Daytona but I guess the crews were already up there...Silver Sands was packed, and the raceway was in full 'event' when I drove past...the skies were full of antique planes and banner planes...wish I could have gone to the beach but no where to ride a horse there anymore!
Anyhow I got registered for 3 showmanship classes opting to wait until after the lunch break to see about riding him in any classes...Well the show was very interesting...Crush was a total doll, clipped, got him banded, he washed up nice, and loaded up, traveled well, the show was well attended...I entered three classes, schooling showmanship, green horse showmanship and senior showmanship...since that is what I want to establish first and foremost when he is at a show; MY way and no other way! Schooling was just that, I poinked him in the shoulder with my finger to activate his pivot, and we didn’t place (BFD) but the next class was HUGE so I decided to go commando and do it like he knew it...WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fainted...I was laughing so hard...Then our next showmanship class, he was really dragging and we came in last (6th) but no worry; I was so proud of him...he didn’t spook, rebel, bolt, run me over, well you know the whole list of misbehavior at unexpected moments...
Anyhow I took him back to the trailer to get some water, some hay and shade and I hear my name called over the intercom system to come to the office, Tracy Burke wants to see me...well I am thinking she wants to see me before I leave since it has been two years since we have spoken and we have always been horse show comrades...I go up to the office and she is rather upset to tell me someone filed a complaint against me!!! HUH??? Apparently I pissed off one of the "QUEEN BEES" of the open shows and she decided that she didn’t like me and my all white horse, so she filed on me for entering two classes I wasn’t supposed to (according to her...) Never mind I didn’t RIDE a single frigging class...Talk about petty...I was so pissed all I can think about THAT is why I do not show open any much as I may bitch about the competition in APHA at least they are not petty bitchers and whiners who get hostile on a new face in the arena that could steal their walk/trot thunder...
Anyhow me and my boy had a damn fine showmanship class...he was so tired he got the hiccups after I loaded him back up (he always was a weirdo) and I bet you he is passed out cold in his stall this very moment.
I got some pictures but they are on my old 35 mm so will hafta wait until I shoot out the roll...Planning on taking him to another show the 23rd & 24th if my schedule is clear...I still have to ride Foxy.