Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Much work on the table today...and I still have to ride and work Cleo and Crush...no show this weekend so I may drag Jimmy up to Coleman to see the farm I want to buy...he has offered to put me and Caitlin in it (what are ya trying to do, get rid of me?) but I foresee him loving it as much as we do...
Must paint Bev's donation (all ready to go!) and do Mr. Turner's Chip's final detailing...this horse looks HOT! Also Emily's repair on the resin and start her Marabella portrait model...lots of busy so off I go...gotta gets pics of everything I am working on!


Rising Rainbow said...

Cool, do your resin horses pay for your big horses??

crazyhorse said...

They could if I worked more, but I do not need to churn out models to pay for my live horses.
I appreciate all the great comments and I will posting more pics of my work AND the real thing!